Creative without strategy is called 'art.'Creative with strategy is called 'advertising'. Creative with innovative technology is called 'Contrive TechStar'!

Good advertising does not just circulate information, it penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. With marketing and advertising reaching their saturation, we bring to you the less traveled path to break the clutter and market yourself with a never seen before technology – AdMirror!

This has two models under this – Wall Mounted AdMirror and Table Top AdMirror.

Wall Mounted AdMirror is the most innovative model of AdMirror. This provides an innovative technological solution to all the marketers out there. You can now advertise and market your products and services using the Mirrors! Let's have a look at its unique selling points:

  • Wall Mounted AdMirror detects the presence of the person across the mirror and converts into a screen playing advertisements
  • Wall Mounted AdMirror uses USB and Cloud Technology to store and manage the advertisements

Product Features

Two Display Screen Models Available



  • New age advertising and marketing
  • Breaking the advertisement clutter
  • Generating additional revenues
  • Using the Mirror Spaces
  • Direct Customer Interaction

Product Benefits

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